Transforming AstrologyExamining the roots of astrology,
Astrology is a Spiritual Science
Astrology and Science Science & Astrology: How the Split Modern Science is not the Only Why Science Puts Astrology Down Validation in Science & Astrology Unity and Diversity in Science The Price of Scientific Objectivity The Art of Cherry Picking in Science
Astrology and Psychology Psychology's Invasion of Astrology
Roman Oleh Yaworsky is a professional counseling astrologer, energy medicine practitioner in the Q'ero tradition, a published author and life coach. He holds formal degrees in Biochemistry as well as Medical Illustration. Welcome to Transforming AstrologyThis site takes a closer look at the deeper roots of astrology. It is the author's contention that not only is the origin of astrology an inner revelation of our spiritual relationship with the world that we co-create, it is still the greatest achievement of humanity in linking our common experiences and shared events around us with our own inner personal experiences and inner spiritual reality. That linkage is no mean feat! The explosion of science and technology that we have witnessed in the last few hundred years owes much more to astrology than is recognized. I use the expression co-creation because, in my own personal experience, the world as we see it is constantly created by our own unique experience of and from our state. Every breath we take is a dance with our mind with our revelation of that state. Anyone who has profoundly delved into the deeper states of yoga or other transcendent practices will appreciate that at each breath, there is the experience of a state when time disappears and with it also disappears what we may hold as our mind, and the consequences of how our mind contracts our awareness of each moment. We are freed at each breath to engage our own becoming, but most of the time, we return to our established patterns, and then the moment of opportunity of each breath goes unnoticed. The seeds of astrology came from that place of timelessness, long ago. It did not come from the accumulation of culture or the slow progress towards civilization that the vision of modern anthropology holds for our past. It did not come from science or acheoastronomy. As did all our other understandings and greater visions, including the great breakthroughs in science and technology, it emerged from our deep relationship with spirit. This site also came about as a response to opinions expressed about astrology from people that clearly have no clue what astrology is, how it works, its history and what it has to offer, including to science.
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